Dr Neal's Audio Bible Study On:

The Epistle of Paul to the Romans

Chapter 1:1-7
Textual Remarks, Introduction


Chapter 1:7-17
Saints;Foundations of Roman Church; Meaning of Salvation; Meaning of Faith


Chapter 1:16-32
From Faith to Faith; Natural Revelation;
Paul's understanding of Homosexuality as being God's Penalty for idolatry


Chapter 1:16-23, 31
The Theme of Romans;
Natural Revelation vs. Special Revelation; Idolatry;
Inerrancy, Infallibility and inspiration; Sin


Chapter 1:18-27
General Revelation; Idolatry; Iconography;
The place of saints in Christian practice;
Paul's Understanding of Homosexuality;


Chapter 1:28--2:16
Wickedness; No Excuse for Judging


Chapter 2:1-29
Judgement; Doing Good;
Jewish Christians vs. Gentile Christians;
Doing the Law; Circumcision


Chapter 2:25--3:18
Circumcision in the Flesh as opposed to Circumcision of the Heart;
Atonement Typology; Grace overcomes sin;
Jews and Greeks condemned by sin and saved by Grace
Pauline Dynamic Scriptural Citations


Chapter 3:9-26
Sinful Human Condition: Rotting Sheep Meat;
Paul's Response to the Jewish Christians;
Pelagianism; Faith "in" vs. Faith "of";
Justified by grace effective through faith;
Righteousness from and of God


Chapter 3:21-26
The Faith of Jesus Christ;
Definition of Sin/Harmartia: Falling Short;
Imputed & Imparted Righteousness;
The Question of Universal Salvation;


Chapter 3:21--4:15
Jesus is our Hilasterion;
Abraham and Faith;
The Works of the Law;
The Question of Antinomianism


Chapter 4:13--5:5
The Law and Antinomianism;
The nature of hope - elpis
Abraham and Faith;


Chapter 5:1-11
"By Faith" -- Textual work;
Standing by grace, boasting in our suffering;
Salvation through Christ's life;
Tribulation = Crap;
First Adam/Second Adam; Angelology


Chapter 5:12-17
Introduction of Sin through Adam
The Process of Sanctification
Redux on Imputed & Imparted Rigteousness
Calvinism vs. Arminianism: Limited Atonement
Prevenient Grace and Justifying Grace
Punctiliar Time Concepts


Chapter 5:17--6:4
Abundance of Grace = Prevenient Grace
Free Gift of Righteousness = Justifying Grace
Transgression that generates sin
Parallelism: Adam - All / Jesus - All
Life in Christ is present and eternal
Baptism/Immersion into Christ Jesus


Chapter 6:1-11
Baptism= Immersion into Christ Jesus
Harmartia= Sin
Considering yourself dead to sin
The problem of backsliding out of the faith
The Pentecostal/Charismatic Experinece
Overcoming the sin-nature


Chapter 6:9-23
Enslaved to sin or Dead to sin?
Concepts of Lordship?
The use of one's members
Slaves of sin or Slaves of Righteousness?
Sanctification and Eternal Life
The wages of sin is death
Justice, Mercy, and Grace


Chapter 6:22--7:14
Trusting in Jesus Christ
The Function of the Law
The Means of Grace and Acts of Faith


Chapter 7:1-25
Paul's original audience
Paul's use of the marriage allegory
The character of Jewish Christianity
The Development of Pauline thought
The Commandments and Sin
"Who Shall Deliver me from the body of this death?"


Chapter 7:14--8:11
War against the Sin Nature
No condemnation for those in Christ Jesus
Living in Christ by Christ living in us


Chapter 8:9-18
Christology Questions - The Incarnation
Pneumatology in Romans suffering


Chapter 8:14-25
TAbba Father
The Spirit of Adoption-
Joint Heirs with Christ?
Pauline authorship issues
The promises of God in Christ Jesus
The Fall of Creation and its restoration
Who subjected creation?
Creation of Life


Chapter 8:18-30
Creation's Labor Pains
Faithing Patience and Active Hope
Elpi˚ and Pisti˚
The ABCs of Faith
Faith and Trust
Prayer in the Spirit and the Attitude of Prayer
Calvinism vs Paulinism/Arminianism


Chapter 8:28-30
"All things work together for good"
The extent and conditions of the promise
Calvinism vs Paulinism/Arminianism, again
Paul vs Jesus ... is there a conflict?


Chapter 8:31-39
"If God is for us who cares who's against us?"
God gets to choose, not us
"Who shall separate us from the love of God?"
TULIP and Basics of Calvinism vs Arminianism


Chapter 9:1-13
Romans Chapter 8 Review
Concern for the Jews
The Spiritual Descendants of Abraham
Jacob I loved, Essau I hated
Justice, Mercy, and Grace


Chapter 9:30--10:13
Pauline Sanctification
The Stumbling Stone, Again
The word is near you.
Faith of the Heart/Mind/Will
Justification / Righteousification
Paul's use of OT Scripture and Q


Chapter 10:12--11:36
The Same Lord is Lord of All
The Identity of the early Roman Christians
The Early Church in Britain
Faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the word of Christ
Logos and Rematos
The grafting in of the Gentiles
The Re-grafting of God's People


Chapter 11:25--12:8
The Nature of The Israel of God
How God deals with God's people
Christ Opens Israel to All The World
What happened to the Lost Tribes of Israel?
Spiritual/Rational Worship
The Nature of Perfection
The Measure of Faith


Chapter 12
General abominations
Accepting the Will of God
The measure of Faith
Gift of God's Grace for Ministry
When the going gets tough ...
... the faithful keep going
Giving to the needs of the saints
Extending hospitality
Bless those who persecute you.
Paul's use of the sayings of Jesus


Chapter 12:9--14:23
Paul's use of the sayings of Jesus (part 2)
Paul's audience in Rome revisited
Government is ordained by God
The meaning of Agape
Laying aside the works of darkness
No more quarreling over opinions.
No more Passing Judgement
The Stumbling Block Principle


Chapter 14:20--16:27
The Stumbling Block Principle revisited
Christ fulfills the promises of God
Paul's calling to the gentiles
The Purpose of the Letter
Letter of Commendation (Chapter 16)
Identity of the person who carried the letter
Greetings to people in the Roman Church
Conclusion of Letter
